Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter Four

They pulled up about 2:15pm. About half the town was there. Sitting in the driver’s seat of her SUV Jessica could see over a few cars in front of her and a small sea of people’s heads to the pond. There were a few dozen kids skating on the pond. Some little figure skaters and some future community game players on the ice passing the puck. She started to feel a bit of anxiety. Not the bad kind. The kind she used to get every time they pulled in the parking lot before a game. Her dad sitting next to her giving her the ritual pep talk.

As they made their way to the bleachers Jessica felt like she was in a Twilight Zone movie. She saw so many familiar faces; the surroundings had not changed at all. It was even the same old bleachers. Slightly more run down, but the same. At the same time people looked at her as if she was a stranger in her own town. As she walked past she could hear some whispers behind her. She ignored it and just kept walking. When they reached the bleachers it was like having season tickets for some people. She noticed the same people sitting in the same spots as they were 18 and more years ago when she was home. Even her parents sat at the same spot. “The regulars,” as they were called, her parents one of them, greeted them as they climbed up. Most expressing their “Glad to see you hear George,” referring to her father. Her Mom still went to all the games; it was just Dad that lost the interest when Jessica left. Even Jessica herself got a few “Jessie, thank goodness, how are you.” With a friendly hug and kiss on the check and quick “just fine thanks and you,” as they continued climbing, gave her a small sense of relief, and hope that it would be the end of it. Somehow, she knew it wouldn’t be.

She squished in the middle of her parents and got comfortable just as they were clearing everyone off the ice so they could start the game. The teams and coaches were lined up at their respective benches and the coaches gave the customary good luck hand shake. The anthem was said, a prayer was said, the puck was dropped and the game had begun. Jessica was mesmerized sitting there watching the kids skating up and down the pond. No boundaries. Certainly different from the NHL games she was used to photographing. Jessica couldn’t help it. When she saw people in action her photographer mode kicked in. She clutched the camera that hung around her neck and excused herself from the bleachers.

“Where you going Jessie?” asked her mother

“To get a closer look.” Jessica answered without looking back. She was focused. Her mind racing, watching the action. She walked quickly to an empty spot around the pond, getting close to the game. When she looked down to get the camera ready for the job she was glad she hooked up the sport zoom. This was going to allow her to zoom up to the action for the distance she was at. Heck with that thing she could count the hairs in Coach McCormick’s nose. Crouching down to get into prime position, she put the camera up to her face and peered through the view finder. The story began. With every click of the button Jessica made a mental note, great shot, good shot, zoom closer, bad shot, no shot, emotion on the bench get the shot, close up on the coach, close up on the face off, goal scored get celebration. She was in the zone. Getting the celebration at the end was key. The East won and Jessica was doing a little celebration dance on the inside of her own. When all was said and done she noticed she had taken about 350 photos. She was excited to get back to the house and get them downloaded onto her laptop.

“Jessie? Jessica Warner is that you!? Oh my goodness.” Jessica recognized the voice. When she turned and confirmed she couldn’t help but smile.

“Jimmy!” He was quite a site for sore eyes that’s for sure. Jimmy Greene and Jessica were best friends growing up and all through high school. They wound up in two separate directions after graduation. She went south to Philly and he went North West to Michigan. It had been almost a year since they spoke on the phone.

Jimmy gave her a warm hug. Jimmy was at least 6’2” 225 easy. Wavy dark hair and the most beautiful hazel eyes she had ever seen. Jimmy kept himself in shape. He was a great hockey player and third best for the Wolverines until he blew out his knee and things were never the same after that. He was now the head physical trainer for the Detroit Red Wings.

“How are you Jessie? How are things going with the divorce?” Jimmy asked

She forgot for a moment about all that. She had even forgotten that she had told him. Things had just began the last she spoke to him.

“It’s over, done, final. But enough about me what is going on with you?” Jessica was quick to change the subject.

“Oh not too much. Just in town for a couple of days. Wings are in Washington in two days and I’ll be meeting the team down there at that point. So just came into town for an early Christmas with the family. So how about you? It’s been quite some time since you’ve been in town. Is this you turning a new leaf?”

“I don’t know, maybe. The world is mine to discover now I guess. I got in last night so I really haven’t thought about it much.”

“How long are you in for?”

“Well I’m supposed to stay away from the office for three months which takes me pretty much to the play offs just about. But, you know me I won’t be able to stay away that long.”

“Three months? Wow, who do they have covering the games? Some new guy and probably a few others trying to make a name for themselves. Doesn’t matter we all know the shots will be mediocre compared to what I would turn in. I guess they will just have to deal with it.” Jessica said quite confidently.

“Boy, aren’t we the confident one.” Jimmy said with a laugh. “I love me who do you love.”

“What? It’s true and you know it.” Jessica jabbed back with a smile.

“Hey Jessie it was really great seeing you. I am still in town tomorrow let’s get together for lunch at the old stomping ground. Talk about some old times, what do you say?”

“You know what Jimmy that would be great. Let’s say 1:30?”

“Sounds good Jessie. I’ll see you then” Jimmy gave her another warm hug, waved and smiled as he walked away. Jessica smiled larger then she had in a really long time. Neither of them knew that tomorrow’s meeting would have more meaning then just two old friends catching up. Jessica’s life was about to take an interesting turn.