Friday, February 19, 2010

Chapter One

Jessica never thought in a million years she would find herself back in the small town hell hole she used to call home. But, she was here. As she drove into town she saw eerily familiar buildings and businesses. Passing the little mom and pop stores that somehow through the recession seem to be doing quite well. As she passed the community park in the center of town she couldn't help but reminisce about being a 13 year old tomboy playing in the little creek that ran through the park catching tadpoles.

As Jessica started to approach the end of town she found herself slowing down under the speed limit. She knew she would be there soon and she was not looking forward to the looks on her parents faces when they find out about the divorce. She has spoken to them several times over the past week. It was becoming more difficult to come up with some excuse as to where Tom was. Oh he is at work doing some overtime for extra Christmas money, he just ran to the store, or the ever so popular, he’s in the shower. She was sure her mother suspected something was up even though she never let on of her concerns.

It all happened so fast. One day they were sitting at the breakfast table completely in love sipping on coffee and nibbling on each other instead of the perfectly good bagels on the table in front of them and the next thing you know she’s opening the master bedroom window throwing out all obscenities in the book along with his wardrobe.

Jessica made that right hand turn into the driveway of her parents home, the same home they had lived in for 40 years, she began to feel a bit of anxiety. She started to take shorter faster breaths, her palms started sweating, her heart beating heavily. It may have been December 20th but inside her car at that moment if felt like some dog days of summer. “Calm down Jessie, this is ridiculous, it’s only your parents for Pete’s sake” she said to herself. Putting the car in park was slow and hard. She turned off the ignition unplugged the cell phone charger, rested her head on the back of her seat, took a deep breath sigh.

“I am so not ready for this”

As she opened the door and put one foot on the ground she heard the back door to her parents house open and the crying sound of her mother’s voice.

“Jessie!!! Oh my goodness, is it really you?!! Gary, get out here your daughter is here” She yelled for her husband, Jessica’s father, for 46 years.

“Hi Momma” Jessica forced a smile

“What are you doing here Jessie, we weren’t expecting you till the New Year? I thought you couldn't get off of work? And where’s Tom?”

“Momma, we need to talk” and just like that, tears came to the front of her eyes. She had done
so well over the past 6 months. She didn't even cry when she got the final divorce papers, actually that was more of a relief. But somehow, no matter what, her mom could make her cry. This was going to be rough…

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